Probyte | IT partner for enterprises
Our Location

Halle, Belgium


+32 498.25.25.92

Hi, I'm Jordi, freelance IT professional

I CAN ASSIST WITH Quality assurance Software development

I am into platforms and software. I also interact with hardware.
I have 10+ years of experience operating from Brussels, Belgium.

My services

Custom development

I craft user experiences for all kind of companies large & small. I have expertise in all kind of different domains from accounting programs, legal software, eCommerce, B2C & B2B portals and many more.

Process automation and digitization

No more manual deployments via FTP! I can help with deployments via azure DevOps, GitLab, jenkins on both Azure and AWS or even on prem.

Quality assurance

Quality assurances is of upper importance in a development cycle. Recurring security testing or loadtesting can help saving a lot of time and budget.

Sofware audits

Sometimes you are looking for a 1-shot audit. Audits are both possible on code level and application/front-end level.

Architecture definition

You have new systems you want to integrate with or maybe you are looking to upgrade your project? I can assist you in defining the architecture.

Test automation

You are still doing manual testing and are looking for a way to have them automated so you can use your testing expertise for where it matters? Or maybe you just want to improve your current way of testing? Let's get in touch to see how I can assist with your testing process.

I build user experiences for

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